This article is more than 1 year old
Rapper rips up Microsoft's Atlanta store during performance
Machine Gun Kelly rap gets out of hand
Updated It must have seemed like such a wonderful idea – have an up-and-coming rapper perform at Microsoft's store in the Lenox Square Mall in Atlanta Georgia. It all ended in tears, however, with trashed computers, claims that the police were called, and embarrassing videos circulating on YouTube.
Machine Gun Kelly (MGK to his fans, or Richard Colson Baker to his missionary parents) performed last Friday at an after-hours event organized by noted hip-hop organization The Source. After a dinner to honor the most important players in the hip-hop world MGK performed in the store but the event got a little out of hand.
"Suck my d*ck; I’m up in this motherf*cker. MGK in this b*tch. F*ck these computers," he announced, before bounding onto a display rack and singing about his genitals and how they related to the topic of "bitches." He also made obscene gestures at staff asking him to stop.
After about a minute of this, and after damaging five laptops by treading on them, according to, his backing track was stopped. A burly security guard escorted him from the store, although the rapper claims the police were needed to get him to leave.
Haha love the caption. This was a pic from last night before police kicked me
— Machine Gun Kelly (@machinegunkelly) September 30, 2012
"While the artist’s behavior was appropriate for a concert, some of it was not appropriate in a store environment," a Microsoft spokeswoman told El Reg.
A spokesman from The Source agreed that the behavior wasn't suitable for the venue, and thanked Microsoft for letting them use the venue. He also disputed MGK's claim to have been escorted out by the police, or even that they were called. From the video in circulation it seems fairly clear security was not handled by the boys in blue.
In case you're feeling out of touch by not knowing who MGK is, you're not alone. The 23-year old rapper recently awarded the 2012 MTVu Breaking Woodie award (awarded by US students voting for their favorite artist on the US music channel) and, amazingly enough, has his first album out this month on Bad Boy records. ®
This article was updated to reflect the fact that this was not a Microsoft event.