This article is more than 1 year old

Hurricane Sandy blows away Gizmodo, HuffPo, various other blogs

Aggregation Turbines shut down by Frankenstorm debris

Hurricane Sandy has taken out five of New York's biggest blogsites - the Huffington Post and all its global offshoots; Buzzfeed; and the Gawker portfolio - Gizmodo US, Gawker, Jezebel.

The downtime was reported from 1900 Eastern Daylight Time (2300 GMT) last night. Visits to the blogs currently call up a host of "connection timed out" messages.

The problem has been pinpointed to flooding at an ISP called Datagram with servers based in Whitehall Street, Manhattan, on the very southern tip of the island. All five websites are reportedly hosted there.

Tweets from Gawker head honcho Nick Denton confirmed that flooding at Datagram was to blame.

Gawker sites down after power cut off at Datagram, our data center down on Whitehall St. Backup power didn't kick in fast enough

Flooded basement at ISP (Datagram). Fuel pump is off line -- will cont. to get updates. As of now, gawker sites (and others) remain offline!

The Huffington Post tweeted:

We're having technical difficulties due to power outages. Working to get site back up. Newsroom still monitoring #Sandy. Will keep tweeting.

We've asked for a comment from AOL/Huffington Post to confirm the facts, and will update if and when we get one. ®

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