This article is more than 1 year old

KDE 'annoys the hell of' Linus Torvalds

'Boring' Linux deity revisits UI, finds it 'too cartoony'

Linus Torvalds has decided, “after a long absense” (that's his spelling), to give Unix desktop environment KDE a go.

His assessment of the UI isn't kind, with his opening statement declaring:

“It still looks a bit too cartoony, and the default widget/plasmoid behavior with mouse-over pretty much immediately showing the controls for it annoys the hell of me. You can lock the widgets down and they calm down and act normal, but it's some really odd and distracting default behavior.”

The review, published amidst the tumbleweeds on Google+, sympathises with Gnome aficionados who feel “ … KDE may have gone a bit overboard on the configuration ability, though. Because some of the 'you can configure everything' things are just odd.”

Among the odd things are what Torvalds describes as “ … being able to rotate those desktop widgets any which way you want. 'I wonder what that odd rotation thing on the widget control bar does? Whee – trippy'.”

The results of those explorations have left the Linux deity “mildly amused by the sheer whimsicality of it all” as his “terminal and web browser buttons look like a drunken fratboy has been messing with my desktop.”

He's promised to restore everything on his desktop “to their boring upright position (because that's how I roll – boring).” ®

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