This article is more than 1 year old
El Reg mulls Forums icon portfolio shake-up
ROFLcopter? You gazing at crumbs in navel? Let us know...
Site News We are put out some feelers to determine whether you, our beloved readers, fancy some extra comments icons to add to the mighty arsenal available to better express your feelings on topics of international import.
It's been 18 months or so since we last had an iconography shake-up, and your input proved invaluable in the process which led to the current roster of 35 images.
An icon overhaul is a four-stage process. First up, we look at the stats for icon usage over the past 12 months, to see if there are any which have fallen out of favour, and might be replaced.
We then trawl through your suggestions for new images and compile a list of those which have multiple nominations.
Next up come joss-sticks and the cetacean ambient CD cranked up to 11 for a Strategy Boutique brainstorm as to how the candidates might impact on our end user interface.
Finally, our high-powered design team knocks the winning list into shape, the icons go live and we all hit the pub so we don't have to listen to your whining about how crap they are.
Simple as that. This time round, though, we might put a shortlist to a public vote, and then ignore the result and go the pub so we don't have to listen to your whining, etc, etc.
We shall see. Before any of that, though, we'll need your ideas. Our minds are open, so let the ideas flow... ®