This article is more than 1 year old

Police mirth after plastic plod puts out call for 'PC World'

His boss is Dixons of Dock Green

A plastic plod was left red faced after issuing a call to other forces to find a Police Constable World.

The mistake was made when the Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) was skimming through evidence and found what she thought was the officer's name attached to a bundle of cash.

In actuality, the money was seized at the scene of a crime during an operation at the Dixons Retail-owned store PC World in Stockport earlier this year and deposited in a safe.

According to police blog Emergency Shorts the PCSO skimmed the form and asked: "Do we have a PC World on this division? I've never heard of him".

The silly civvie copper failed to connect the dots and put out a communication on the police wires for PC World to get in touch about the money.

Obviously there was no trace of a PC World to be found in the local constabularies.

The error was highlighted by a colleague, once the call had gone out much to the hilarity of all including the civvie, with other coppers asking if she'd seen Dixons of Dock Green.

According to Police mag, she was "very experienced" and the mistake was "most unlike her".

Some would say the price and quality of service at PC World is…er criminal. ®

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