This article is more than 1 year old

Brit physics student debuts zombie flick shot inside LHC

'Higgs bio-entanglement simulation' goes horribly … braaaiiiiins

What do you get when some attractive students stay up too late inside the Large Hadron Collider and aren't told about radiation leaks?

Zombies and lots of scary moments inside very long subterranean tunnels seem to be the answer, judging by the preview below for Decay, a film written and directed by actual PhD candidate and particle physicist Luke Thompson.

The film – complete with a tagline of “The greatest discovery in physics could be our last - premiered on Saturday night in Manchester, to a more-than-decent reception if the film's web site is to be trusted.

Thompson is said to have felt the tunnels of the Large Hadron Collider would make a great setting for a zombie flick, penned it and gathered a small team to shoot the feature. Many of the cast and crew are also actual physicists.

The results are now available, at no charge, in several formats here.

There's also the YouTube preview below for those who find the idea of strange life-forms emerging from the LHC a little too plausible for comfort. ®

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