This article is more than 1 year old
Meet Antarctic sysadmin Richard Youd
Cisco, VMWare, and maybe helping with emergency surgery, at the bottom of the world
Life in the Antarctic
Richard has sent us a few other photos that depict the things an Antarctic Sysadmin get up to. We bet your job doesn't involve things like going for rides in inflatable rubber boats (IRBs).
Richard Youd and other Davis Stationeers aboard an IRB.
Photo: Graham Oakley
Disaster recovery takes on a whole new meaning when you've been trained as a surgical assistant.
Richard Youd scrubs before his surgical training.
Photo Copyright Phil O'Brien
You want a new certification to get ahead? What about one scaling towers. In a blizzard. Cos that's what Richard is allowed to do as part of his Antarctic gig.
Richard Youd undergoing tower rescue training.
Photo Copyright Doug McVeigh
Taxi ride to a meeting today? Richard may have to hop on a 'copter to get things done.
Richard Youd in a helicopter near Davis Station.
Photo Copyright Phill O'Brien.