This article is more than 1 year old
Nudge nudge, wink wink interface may drive Google Glass
Two-finger salutes also come in handy, as may patent lawyers
The user interface for Google's forthcoming tech specs, aka Google Glass, may feature a two-fingered salute and a wink.
The source for this supposition is a Redditor by the name of Fodawim who says he or she has peered into the code of the Google Glass companion app and found the following text:
Fodawin's hypothesis is that Glass offers users the chance to zoom windows with a two-fingered gesture and take photos by winking.
There's no telling if Fodawin's analysis is correct, but the two finger zoom certainly sounds feasible if one revisits this TED talk on the “Sixth Sense” interface developed by Pranav Mistry, a computer scientist who also devised a blink-driven interface for a robot.
Mistry has since joined Samsung, an entity hardly shy of lawyering up when it feels its intellectual property has been inappropriately appropriated. We're drawing a long bow here, but might Glass be in legal strife before it even emerges? ®