This article is more than 1 year old
Cultivated dope-smoking Welshman barred from own shed
Admits harvesting jazz cigarettes in wooden sanctum
A dope-smoking Welshman has been banned from entering the "potting shed" he used to grow cannabis, as he awaits sentencing on charges of cultivating marijuana and "possessing it with intent to supply".
Simon Redclift, 53, was hauled before the beak following a police raid on his home in Dinas Powys, near Cardiff, the Daily Mail reports. Cops found "five mature and 32 immature plants" growing inside the £800, custom-built structure.
Redclift pleaded guilty to both charges, but as a condition of his bail was ordered by judge David Wynn Morgan not to set foot inside the haven of peace he'd regularly use to skin up while watching The Blue Planet on DVD.
The defendant explained the shed had become his "second living room" after his missus quit smoking and he could no longer light up in the house, but that it had also served as a "room for all the family over the years".
Redclift now faces a shedless existence, having decided to pre-emptively dismantle the building after judge Morgan warned he was considering ordering its destruction.
He said: "I don't really see what it proves to get rid of my shed. If I wanted to continue growing I could do it in my attic, I could do it in the back garden, I could do it in a cupboard - it's just a waste of my shed. But if it satisfies the judge, it's something that I'm prepared to do. I'm not going to cultivate again."
There more from the Daily Mail right here, including an agreeable description of Bob Marley as a "cannabis enthusiast". ®