This article is more than 1 year old
Who will Dr Who chew in 50th TV do before Matt Smith bids adieu?
And we know the answer. Click if you don't mind a mild anniversary special spoiler
Pic Doctor Who will face a whole bunch of Daleks and a liberal sprinkling of Zygons in his 50th TV anniversary special, says the BBC.

Exterminate! Exter- I mean, extinguishate! Extinguishate!
The Doctor, in his David Tennant, Matt Smith and new John Hurt iterations, will battle his ratings-boosting ancient nemesis in an episode marking fifty years on the box, due to be broadcast on 23 November.
“The Doctor once said that you can judge a man by the quality of his enemies, so it's fitting that for this very special episode, he should facing the greatest enemies of all,” show runner Steven Moffat said.
The Time Lord will also tackle shape-shifting Zygons, who technically haven't been seen on the show since Tom Baker's Doctor fought them in 1975.
There was a Zygon ship underneath the Savoy Hotel where the Doctor briefly took Amy and Rory Pond on their wedding anniversary during The Power of Three episode, but all the aliens had shape-shifted into humans working in the hotel and were never seen in their original form.
The 50th anniversary episode will be broadcast on the same day of the year the show first aired in 1963 and will also feature companions Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) and Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman) along with Gavin and Stacey star Joanna Page. The show was filmed earlier this year in Cardiff, with additional footage filmed in London at famous spots including the Tower of London and Trafalgar Square.
The episode will be the second-to-last outing for Matt Smith's Doctor, after he announced he was leaving last month. He's due to bow out in a "spectacular" Christmas special after four years on the show. ®