This article is more than 1 year old

Apple's new iPad Mini: ALREADY set for Black Friday PRICE SLASH

Fun-size fondleslab chopped for Thanksgiving

The new iPad Mini Retina has barely been available to buy for a few hours but already retailers are talking about discounts.

Target has jumped ahead of the pack, by including the Mini in its Black Friday sale.

Anyone who buys the fun-sized fondleslab will be handed a $75 gift card to spend on anything else they fancy. Buy the iPad Air and you'll recieve a $100 gift card.

After Black Friday, of course, comes cyber-Monday, which is supposed to encourage armchair shoppers to get online and spend even more money. This is bound to result in even more reductions, so keep an eye out for a bargain, fanbois.

Black Friday sales start on November 28. ®

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