This article is more than 1 year old
Check out The Register's Google+ page
Maybe not the best week to make this announcement
Off-site news The Register has taken a billet at Google+. You can find us at
Nothing spectacular – just a feed of our articles, and the very occasional cartoon share. We will monitor and sometimes reply to comments and will step up our social media community engagement ... if numbers justify.
Google+ naysayers: this is not for you. We get that, but we are not forcing anyone to do anything. And why don't you check out our official Twitter feed @theregister and our homegrown El Reg Forums.
On an operational note, getting permission to use the Google API to set up our own + feed seemed daunting, so we Googled the options for syndication and tried out Hootsuite and was stable for us; Hootsuite wasn’t. has a new customer. ®