This article is more than 1 year old
Pirate Bay co-founder Svartholm Warg to be shipped to Denmark
Extradition next week to face yet more hacking charges
Beardy Pirate Bay co-founder Gottfrid Svartholm Warg will be extradited to Denmark next week to face hacking charges, after a long journey which has already seen him deported from Cambodia to Sweden last year.
The balding former pirateer will be forced from his homeland next Wednesday 27 November, prosecutor Henrik Olin told AFP.
In neighbouring Denmark he will face charges of illegally hacking into a social security database, accessing the email accounts of thousands of police officers and also infiltrating a IT system used across Europe’s borderless Schengen zone.
Last month Svartholm Warg wrote an open letter to the Swedish government begging it not to deport him from the country of his birth.
In it he claimed that he couldn’t read the warrant, which was written in Danish, and that it wasn’t clear whether he was being tried for the same charges he had already been tried for in Sweden.
He wrote:
Liability was thus tried in Sweden for something that very closely matches what Denmark wants to hold me responsible for. It must be investigated whether this act should be considered ‘the same offense’ or not.
However, it appears that his appealto the Swedish Supreme Court has failed.
The 29-year-old was deported to Sweden from his adopted Cambodian home last year to face the music for a 2009 conviction for copyright infringement as part of the Pirate Bay trial.
Earlier this year he was handed another two-year sentence, this time for hacking Logica and Nordea bank, although that was reduced to one year on appeal. ®