This article is more than 1 year old
Naked Aussie gets wedged in washing machine
Cue cops, paramedics, firefighters, search and rescue team, olive oil
An Aussie bloke who climbed naked into a top-loader washing machine in an attempt to surprise his other half provided a top afternoon's entertainment for local emergency services.
The unnamed chap from Mooroopna, some 180km north of Melbourne, apparently decided it was a bit of a wheeze to conceal himself inside the appliance last Saturday afternoon and wait for his missus to come home, presumably then leaping squeaky-clean from the machine to her immense delight.
Instead, he got so firmly trapped he required professional extraction. It's not clear who made the emergency call, but "police, firefighters, paramedics, SES (State Emergency Service)" and a Search and Rescue Squad from nearby Shepparton enthusiastically responded.
Shepparton police Sergeant Michelle De Araugo said: "He was very well wedged in there and we were concerned for his health and wellbeing."
Mercifully, after 20 minutes and an olive oil lube job, he was freed. "It would be fair to say the gentleman was very embarrassed," De Araugo noted. ®
Thanks to Dan Glynhampton for the tip-off.