This article is more than 1 year old
The Reg's guide to cursing in Mongolian
Roger Mellie appears to have penned Ulan Bator's list of banned search terms
NSFW The Mongolian government this week released guidelines on over 700 keywords which are now banned for websites in the country, and in so doing revealed to the world one of the most inventive list of swearwords since Roger’s Profanisaurus.
The list of 774 Russian, Mongolian and English words published by the country’s telecoms authorities and spotted by local news site Shuum (via TechInAsia) includes some rather tame examples including “idiot”, “bad” and “huts”. The latter, presumably, is a deadly insult to Mongolians' yurts.
Next in order of ascending sweariness come some mild expletives including “goshdarnit”, “arse” and “jerk”.
Then come some obvious expletives of the regular f-, s- and c-word variety.
However, El Reg has been scratching its head all day as to how some of the banned English words ever came to the attention of the Mongolian authorities.
Some of the more safe-for-work examples include “cockburger”, “twatlips” and “cumbubble”.
They appear to have been lifted straight out of the Urban Dictionary, or the latest edition of legendary Geordie rag Viz – whose Roger Mellie (“The Man on the Telly”) character contributed some truly heroic swearing to the lingua franca whilst entertaining a generation of British schoolkids.
Perhaps the banned term The Reg has most trouble coming to terms with, however, is “female hygiene accessory”.
Who says state-sanctioned censorship has to be depressing? ®