This article is more than 1 year old
WD 'restoring connections' after week of MyCloud outages
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WD's MyCloud has been up and down all week, with users unable to connect across the internet to their storage devices.
MyCloud refers to a set of ARM-powered, single drive external storage products from WD and a way of accessing then remotely across the Internet. Its MyBook line of basic desktop NAS boxes were rebranded MyCloud in October last year. The WD2Go mobile access application was rebranded MyCloud as well. With capacious MyCloud device storage of up to 4TB, then, MyCloud was an alternative to DropBox and similar services which have smaller free capacity but higher speed data upload facilities.
Remote devices had a link to the MyCloud box setup via a WD server and after that talked direct to their MyCloud box. The product range us divided into Consumer and Expert (NAS) series.
The MyCloud outage has resulted in 27 pages of comments on WD's community website.
WD MyCloud
A user told us: "Up until last Friday the system worked very well. I used it to stream video clips all over the world and used it with my tablet but since then I have had to revert to the old laptop! It just seems a little over the top that it can take up to a week to sort out an issue like this in this day and age. Even Royal Bank of Scotland/BlackBerry (remember last year's meltdown) would have resolved the issue by now."
He said there is "very little info from WD on progress they are making with the fix is appearing up on the WD community pages."
WD staff posted the first message on the community site a week ago:
NOTICE: and users in relay mode are reporting that connections to devices are slow or unavailable. WD is actively investigating this issue and is hoping to have the problem resolved soon.
Alas, it was not.
jmille 1959 posted the same day:
Hi Guys...On a road trip and cant access My Cloud. Could use it yesterday evening but went out last night. Had my wife shut down and reboot it. Steady Blue light. Now says device offline. Local indication is normal. Could this be part of this outage? I use this for work so going to be an issue soon. thank God for thumb drives.
Many more similar posts followed, with WD staff saying they were working on the problem. A week later it has still not been resolved although significant progress has been made.
WD Community manager Bill_S posted this on message 267 on the Community site on 3 April 3:
We have made significant progress restoring connections to our My Cloud and My Book Live servers. We are in the process of validating connections for our entire user base. We recommend that if you are still experiencing connectivity issues to restart your My Book Live or My Cloud device. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.
WD EMEA marketing head Daniel Mauerhofer sent an update to us: "We have made significant progress restoring connections to our My Cloud and My Book Live servers. We are in the process of validating connections for our entire user base." ®