This article is more than 1 year old
Industry vet Buxton retires from AMD 'not from life'
Euro channel boss tosses office keys to... Yves Nguyen Dinh An
AMD European channel director Andrew Buxton is planning to grow old disgracefully after retiring from the CPU and GPU maker.
For nearly three decades the man has fought the fight against Intel, starting in 1985 as a field sales engineer.
"29 years was enough and it is time to work for myself. I am retiring from the IT industry but not from life," he told us.
Buxton has some real estate businesses and will use them to top up the pension pot.
He reckons that during his time on board AMD provided a decent alternative to Chipzilla, "if we hadn't been there the micro and graphics processor market would looked very different, we'd still be on 386 architecture".
"We kept the other guys honest," he added.
Not that honest though, as Intel was fined by the EC for abusing its dominant position in the noughties and many major UK system builders would claim their business was terminally impacted by Intel's actions.
Some might also sat AMD failed to press home its advantage in the server chip market when Opteron was released and left Intel playing catch up. But both AMD and Intel were caught napping as the industry shifted to tabs.
Yves Nguyen Dinh An has taken over the channel reins, an AMD spokesman told us. ®