This article is more than 1 year old

Oracle's Larry Ellison has the biggest public pay package

Billionaire IT baron earns twice as much as the next in line, Disney chief Bob Iger

Oracle founder and chief exec Larry Ellison has managed to stay one of the highest-paid CEOs of the hundred largest publicly traded US firms for another year, despite his shrinking package.

Ellison topped the lot with a take-home of $78.4m in 2013. That's a hefty hunk of dosh, but it was down $18m from his 2012 compensation. The Oracle head has been in the top three of the most-compensated CEOs list, complied by Equilar Data for the New York Times, for the last seven years.

Media baron Rupert Murdoch and Disney chief Bob Iger rounded out the top of the list with pay of $26.1m and $34.3m respectively, rather a distance from how much Ellison is trousered for the year.

Ellison, who is known to enjoy a bit of yachting every now and again and owns an island and an airline, is rumoured to be worth somewhere in the region of $48bn.

Equilar compiles the data from public filings to come up with its list and factors in base salary, bonuses and stock and option awards. The formula put Google co-founder and chief Larry Page at the bottom of the list with a salary of just a dollar, since he opted not to take a bonus last year.

Further up the list, HP chief Meg Whitman came 30th with a pay packet of $17.6m, Qualcomm chief and chairman Paul Jacobs got a $20.4m mountain and John Chambers, the chair and chief of Cisco, walked away with $21m.

The median pay for CEOs last year was $13.9m, an increase of nine per cent over the previous year. ®

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