This article is more than 1 year old
Quid-a-day Reg nosh posse chap fears for his waistline
Toby counts calories, comes up short, despite lentils-in-brine delicacy
El Reg Quid-a-Day Nosh Posse member Toby Sibley has been in touch to say he only got to spend his £5 food allowance for the Live Below the Line challenge last night, and is beginning to worry about his waistline.
Here's his last-minute stash...
- 25g sugar
- 4 eggs
- 500g rice
- 5 carrots
- 3 onions
- 4 apples
- 250g oats
- 1 tin beans
- 1 tin of chick peas
- 1 weird lentil-in-brine concoction (which was on special offer)
Toby's getting hitched on 3 May, and said his soon-to-be missus "looked through my purchases and reckons I've shopped badly and could have gotten a better deal on the chick peas, lentils, carrots, apples and eggs – so pretty much all of the shopping purchases!"
He added: "The above will result in a bit of a calorie shortage over five days. I'll crunch the numbers on the calories tonight to get a more accurate picture."
Well, apart from the lentils in brine, it looks plausible enough. Expect drama as Toby takes in his belt a couple of notches over the next few days.
Myself and my fellow nosh posse members are raising cash for Malaria No More UK, and invite you to stump supportive cash right here. ®