This article is more than 1 year old
Powershell terminal sucks. Is there a better choice?
Scripting guys please help your fellow reader
Readers' corner El Reg reader h4rm0ny wants your advice. Here goes.
I've been using Bash for well over a decade. (About fifteen years?). I'm reasonable with it. I'm now teaching myself Powershell and whilst some of it I like, the default environment is terrible.
I'm not talking about the language itself, but the fact that to use Powershell I appear to have to use a single window that I can't set to the width of the screen, doesn't have tabs, has primitive cut and paste (seriously? No keyboard shortcuts and keyboard only highlighting line by line?). There's no history that can persist between sessions... The list is long and growing every time I try to do something serious with it.
Powershell the "language" seems alright. But are there any better terminals available for it? Surely people aren't tolerating this - especially anyone from a GNU/Linux background. What am I missing, here?
Any ideas? Share them with us on El Reg forums. ®