This article is more than 1 year old

Strategy Boutique ultimate 'tech'-gasm: 3D printer drone GoPro vid stream QR code

They forgot 'as a Service' though. Maybe Cloud's over?

Make no mistake: the game has changed and if you're not on board the ultra engagement bus, then you'll be yesterday before it's tomorrow.

That's the astounding message from a video designed to attract world-weary media types to the Creative Fuel Conference, set to redefine paradigms in Sydney on 28 July.

Doubtless corpora callosi interconnects across Oz will light up cerebral hemispheres in awe at the "Crowdsourced 3D-Printed QR Code Live Streamed Via GoPro To A Smart Phone Or Tablet Device Drone Delivery Ticket System". As one video contributor succinctly puts it: "Who needs a fucking idea these days when you've got an awesome piece of tech?"

The flying 3D printer

Awesome indeed. Now, if they can just nano that technology ... ®


The game-changing quadchopper in question is an adapted TBS Discovery Pro running APM, and created by Ian Lyons.

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