This article is more than 1 year old
CNN 'tech analyst' on NAKED CELEBS: WHO IS this mystery '4chan' PERSON?
Ex-spurt also advises use of 'pa$$word'
Vid "If your password is password, change the 's' to a dollar sign." That's the advice from US news network CNN's "technology analyst" Brett Larson, who also thinks that 4chan is some sysadmin bloke who knew how to "hack things" so he could leak saucy, private photos of Jennifer Lawrence and other female celebrities.
The confusion over anarchic message board 4chan starts with CNN's news presenter, who naively asks Larson:
Do we even know? Who is this 4chan person or website?
Larson, attempting to mask "waaaaah, naked babes" schoolboy giggles, offers up this insight:
He may - and I'm sure we're going to be able to get some more confirmation on this as the hours and minutes go on - he may have been just a system administrator who knew his way around and how to hack things.
It seems like this was not a real big effort but was more of a "I have these usernames, I know of this loophole, this security loophole, I'm just going to run this password app and see if I can get into these people's cloud-based account."
The CNN news presenter then asks Larson what people can do to prevent their online accounts from being hacked. The tech expert advises:
You absolutely have to have good passwords. You have to have passwords that aren't words ...
Like, if your password was literally "password", which is the most common password, change the "s" to a dollar sign*.
The Register understands that this entire CNN exchange is in fact a piece of satirical art expertly disguised as another moronic news broadcast. ®
* Here in the UK, people with the password "password" should no doubt change the "s" to a pound sign, which looks like this: pa££word.