This article is more than 1 year old
Gaming gasm UK: Rubbing shoulders with LEGENDS and newbies
Game devs flock to Kickstarter
EGX 2014 After a week of hitting ferrets with my new Gauntlet inflatable promotional chicken leg and dying far too often in multiplayer set on hard, it eventually occurs to me: "Lucy needs daylight". Admittedly, I wasn’t outdoors for long as my venture out of the house took me to EGX, formerly Eurogamer Expo and apparently the UK's biggest gaming event dedicated to the wonderful world of video games and gaming in general.

City of games: EGX show floor
All the big titles were present: the event is seen as an opportunity for gamers to play the upcoming PC and console games before they hit the shops. After picking up a new Pikachu hat while trying to avoid Gamers for Jesus, it was time to traverse the Crypts of Terror in Little Big Planet 3 and check out the three new payable characters.
Every so often I heard a roar from the crowd and looked up to see FIFA 15 going down a treat on the big screens, but I barely noticed as I was too busy playing SingStar Ultimate Party on my new iPhone 6.

DayZ zombie makes Lucy's acquaintance
The signs are that Sony is winning the Console Wars with the PlayStation 4 outselling the XBox One, and the sheer variety of gaming products the company had on offer no doubt bolster the platform's broad appeal.
Suddenly I was whisked to the top deck of the Razer bus, narrowly avoiding being eaten by a cosplay zombie on the stairs, it was time to get my own back with some DayZ. I would have liked to have seen some evidence of Project Christine, its prototype Modular PC, but to be fair it was so dark inside the bus it could have been hidden away somewhere.

Bethesda Games: The Evil Within – you know it's lurking somewhere
After a pint of Aspall's to steel my constitution, it was time to head to the 18+ Area surely full of unspeakable terrors. The Evil Within was my first foray into post watershed gameplay and had me wandering the halls of a stately home assaulted by ghosts before staggering into a Leatherface lookalike from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre who managed to finish me off.

Square Enix: Nosgoth – vamping it up
The new team-based multiplayer game Nosgoth from Square Enix is an epic battle between man and vampire set in the dark fantasy world of the Legacy of Kain series. I especially enjoyed playing the Sential which gave me the ability to impale people on my wings. Overall, the game seemed very polished and generally bug-free – with some stunning graphics.

The Creative Assembly: Alien Isolation – feel the burn
The Creative Assembly's Alien Isolation oozed atmosphere like ectoplasm though I have to admit to ending up hiding in one of Nostromo’s cupboards, motion tracker firmly in hand after being slaughtered several times in survival mode, unable to complete the various challenges.
The most visually stunning gameplay of the day I witnessed was during the developer showcase of The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt. Renown for some dodgy sex scenes, it’s safe to say Witcher seems to have found it’s feminine side (no spoilers). Alas, there were no playable copies but watching a spectacular battle with a werewolf, I’m starting to feel impatient for its release already.