This article is more than 1 year old

PEAK APPLE: iOS 8 SHUNNED by refusenik fanbois

Slowest adoption rate for THREE YEARS. That's like ... forever

Apple has failed to persuade the fanboi legions to abandon the old versions of its mobile operating system and plunge into the many pleasures of iOS 8.

Adoption rates of the new version of iOS 8 have stalled, with equal numbers of Apple fanfolk using both the new and old operating system.

If true, this means the rollout of iOS 8 has been the least successful since iOS 5.

According to mobe app bazaar Fiksu, the rot set in within the first 24 hours after the release of iOS 8. Take-up appeared to be slower from the get-go and just under 40 per cent of users are using the latest operating system.

Both iOS 6 and 7 smashed the 50 per cent barrier within 12 days, according to Fiksu. It conjures up its numbers by analysing which version of iOS is used by people running its client apps.

Of course, these figures are notoriously unreliable. Apple, for instance, has claimed that just under half of iPhone owners have updated their mobe to iOS 8. This figure is based on visits to the App Store, which is always bound to provide a more friendly picture than analysis firms' more wide-ranging assessments.

However, another analysis firm has also revealed slightly more optimistic stats. Mixpanel suggested about 45 per cent of Apple lovers had switched to the new version of iOS 8.

If we can refer back to the top of this article, we agree that "many pleasures" might be over-egging the pudding a bit, because iOS 8 ain't all that different to the previous one.

The world went bonkers for Jony Ive's flat design on iOS 7, before reaching for the bucket when all that parallaxing made them feel queasy.

Sadly, iOS 8 doesn't seem to have had the same aphrodisiac effect. ®

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