This article is more than 1 year old

EMC reshuffles deck, reveals Core Technology SUPER DIVISION

Soz, investors, it will NOT be spinning off VMware

EMC is collapsing its divisional structure some more and combining its VMAX/VNX unified storage operation with DPAD, its Data Protection Division, to form a Core Technology Division.

The new division will be run by Guy Churchward, current DPAD president. XtremIO products will move into the new division as of 1 January, 2015.

EMC previously moved ViPR into CJ Desai's Emerging Technologies division, ending a separate divisional operation for that and associated products.

All primary storage and data products will be in one team with assets being better able to be extended and unified across the storage arrays. ProtectPoint was mentioned in this regard. EMC has, we're told, been surprised at the speed with which customers have adopted XtremIO all-flash arrays.

Desai's Emerging Technologies division will then have products such as ScaleIO, hybrid cloud gateways, HPC storage, Isilon and ViPR – complementary and non-primary storage products.

This is the EMC Information Infrastructure (II) part of the EMC Federation, headed by CEO David Goulden, with VMware, Pivotal and RSA being the other parts.

EMC II is now aligned, according to product boss Jeremy Burton (president of EMC's Products and Marketing division), roughly to the way its main customers buy products. Core data centre buyers purchase storage and data protection products while application/line of business purchasers are looking for things like scale-out filers with Hadoop capability (Isilon with HDFS), software-defined storage (ViPR) and so forth.

Isilon customers increasingly look for object and HDFS access features on Isilon arrays.

Brian Gallagher, currently running the VMAX/VNX business, is working on a cloud management and orchestration project. He is building a team to develop infrastructure technology that ensures applications have consistent services as they are brokered across multiple hybrid clouds.

The Cloudscaling acquisition may form part of Gallagher's operation.

This change comes shortly after David Goulden was confirmed as full-time EMC II CEO and change is rippling across EMC II divisions. This one should make the sales operation more efficient, and strengthen and speed product development.

CTD (Core Technology Division) will be the largest money-earning operation in EMC II by far and its president will command commensurate respect and authority as a result.

The changes also show that it is business as normal inside EMC, despite the no doubt wholly unwelcome attention to, and distraction of, activist investor Elliott Management's push to get VMware spun-off and/or getting EMC into a strategic deal with another supplier, such as HP. That HP possibility now seems as dead as the dodo. ®

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