This article is more than 1 year old

Cisco makes ACI control more programmable

Wriggling cave full of pythons - well scripts - awaits the brave

Cisco has released a command-line toolkit for its Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI), freeing sys admins from the tyranny of the GUI.

The company describes its ACI Toolkit as a combination of “an NX OS-like CLI and some custom Python scripts” that cover the most common daily configuration and admin tasks. The toolkit also provides an entry point to admins wanting to learn how to make their tasks more programmable.

Cisco has the code on github, and as the company explains in this blog post, the user can then connect to the Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) to start building their application.

Examples given include tenant-switching, context creation, bridge domain creation, and endpoint group creation. The wrap-up with Python, author Lauren Malhoit explains, makes it scriptable.

Documentation for the toolkit is yours for the reading, here. ®

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