This article is more than 1 year old

158 new malware created EVERY MINUTE

One for YOU and YOU and YOU and YOU

Malware monitors PandaLabs says 227,747 new malware samples are released every day.

The findings from its recent survey found 20 million samples were created in the third quarter of 2014.

Three quarters of infections were trojans while only 9 percent were viruses and 4 percent worms.

The number of trojans rose 13 percent over the last three months, displacing viruses which fell by 10 percent over the same period.

China topped the list of the highest infection rates followed by Peru and Bolivia.

Technical director Luis Corrons said vxers aimed to infect as many systems as possible.

"Corporate environments are also under attack ... in the last three months many large companies have been drawn into numerous scandals, including the so-called celebgate, where nude photos of actresses and models hosted on Apple’s iCloud service were leaked, or the theft of passwords for Gmail and Dropbox," Corrons said.

The large number of detected malware samples was filled by production line manufacturing kits, rather than dedicated loving handcraft.

Zeus Builder, SpyEye and Citadel were three popular kits that allowed inexperienced vxers to craft malware which could then be obfuscated against some malware detection using commercial packers and crypters followed by tests against anti-virus programs.

RSA malware bod Chris Elisan described the production line machinations in a detailed presentation. ®

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