This article is more than 1 year old

100 IT workers face the axe at CSIRO

Union says management's version of events is wrong and that one in five will go

The Staff Association at Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) reckons that among the nearly 900 jobs being cut from the science agency, IT and comms is to lose at least 119.

The group has put together an analysis of documents provided to it by management under the agency's enterprise agreement. In response to management claims that the union has been overstating the scale of the cuts, the organisation says the total job losses will reach one-in-five by the time the pink-slipping is over.

While the CSIRO management has stated that 770 positions were being cut, the staff association reckons it's more like 878 for 2014 which, in addition to the 513 jobs cut last year, makes up the 1:5 figure.

As well as the 119 IT staff, there's another 28 in “tech / general services”. However, that's still dwarfed by the loss of scientists in the agency – 194 in 2014, plus another 190 under the designation “research projects”. ®

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