This article is more than 1 year old
Britain's MPs ask Twitter, Facebook to keep Ts&Cs simple
Government urged to draw up privacy 'kitemark'
UK politicos have called upon social media firms to simplify their privacy policies and come clean about how they use customers' personal data.
The Science and Technology Committee has concluded an inquiry into the terms and conditions users agree to when they sign up for accounts with sites like Twitter or Facebook.
It has asked the government to work with the Information Commissioner to develop "information standards" that will force websites to explain how they use personal data.
This could eventually lead to the development of a privacy kitemark to regulate "the responsible use of UK citizens’ data by social media platforms and other organisations".
Andrew Miller MP, chair of the committee, said: "Let’s face it, most people click yes to terms and conditions contracts without reading them, because they are often laughably long and written in the kind of legalese you need a law degree from the USA to understand.
"Socially responsible companies wouldn’t want to bamboozle their users, of course, so we are sure most social media developers will be happy to sign up to the new guidelines on clear communication and informed consent that we are asking the Government to draw up." ®