This article is more than 1 year old

LOHAN's Plucky Playmonaut touches down at Spaceport America

El Reg recce team scouts New Mexico facility

Behold - a huge pair of Galactic Buttocks

That's Bill above on the right with David out on the spaceway, and here's the aforementioned terminal front face:

David outside the Spaceport America terminal

"So, what do you think it looks like?" enquired Bill, unaware that we'd already decided it was the glass frontage of a huge pair of galactic buttocks.

"Erm, over $200m of New Mexico taxpayers' dollars?" I rather unkindly replied, although not without justification, given recent local unrest about the cost of the project and its current status.

The inside of the terminal/hangar has yet to be fully kitted out, and at the moment contains just a few builders pottering about and a full-size replica of SpaceShipTwo. Sadly, we can't bring you snaps of any of that, since it's off-limits to non-Virgins.

Next page: Mission Control

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