This article is more than 1 year old
'Lizard Squad' launches commercial DDoS tool
Cynical cash-in leverages PSN grinch attacks
Debilitating Christmas attacks against Xbox Live and PlayStation gaming networks have been used by people claiming to be the hackers behind them as a promotional tool for a commercial cyberattack service.
"Lizard Squad" is selling DDoS services at $6 a month, Venture Beat and others report, via a tool called LizardStresser. The sellers are explicit about the fact that the tool is designed for DDoS attacks rather than stress testing corporate websites.
Welcome to LizardStresser, brought to you by Lizard Squad. This booter is famous for taking down some of the world’s largest gaming networks such as Xbox Live, Playstation Network, Jagex, BattleNet, League of Legends, and many more! With this stresser, you wield the power to launch some of the world’s largest denial of service attacks.
Supposed members of Lizard Squad earlier went on TV to explain that they’d supposedly attacked Sony and Microsoft’s gaming networks because they were bored and, besides which, the networks were wide open to attack.
This explanation sits awkwardly besides the new money-making venture, while appearing undisguised in streaming media chats broadcast to millions obviously invites identification, which makes it possible that some or many of these characters, especially those touting the tool, are not the same people who brought down Sony Pictures. But whether they're posers or the real deal, are these guys really that confident that they are “untouchable”? ®