This article is more than 1 year old
Adults-only Chrome add-on grabs you by the Googlies
Chrome's remote control features come to iOS if you're 17 or over
Google's Chrome Remote Desktop app does what it says on the can: install it in Google's browser and it becomes possible to drive the host Mac, PC or Chromebook from another similarly-equipped machine.
As of today it's also possible to drive a machine from iOS, as Google has been kind enough to release an app for the iPhone or iPad. If you are at least 17 years or age.

A PC running inside an iPad, thanks to Google.
Just why Apple and Google have decided on that age limit is anyone's guess: perhaps the thought of under-aged script kiddies (who always tell the truth about their age when signing up for iTunes) reaching out to administer their mates' machines is somehow unpalatable to the valley giants.
Whatever the reasoning behind the decision to age-limit the app, it does give sysadmins another option to reach out and touch endpoints. And world+dog a way to get find that file they forgot to email to themselves at work … if they remembered to leave their PC on. ®