This article is more than 1 year old
Speaking in Tech: Google takes Glass out to the wood shed
Please, I'd never use 'password'.. my login is 12345
This episode of El Reg's talkative techcast is hosted by Greg Knieriemen, Ed Saipetch and Sarah Vela. Tuck in.
This week the team is back beating up on Google, and gloating over the end of Google Glass, or rather its "graduation" (“a bullet to the ****ing head”). It looks like Google (great at services, not products) isn’t sticking to the really expensive product it brought to market.
Meanwhile, David Cameron's encryption ban comes under fire – once you take security away, it's a hackers' paradise.
And, finally, it seems bad passwords are getting worse, with "Trustno1" and "12345678" among the favourites last year. At least "password" was noticeable by its absence.
Special guest Aaron Delp from SolidFire comes off his long podcast suspension in the second half of the show to join the crew.
This week we discuss...
- 1:30 – Dumping Google Nexus
- 4:15 – Lollipop and less than 0.1 per cent adoption rate
- 4:40 – Sarah jumps on a new iPhone
- 6:55 – Google takes Glass out to the wood shed
- 14:25 – Cameron wants to kill encryption
- 21:15 – Happy, happy hackers
- 24:18 – Worst passwords of 2014
- 29:20 – Aaron Delp comes off suspension
- 30:40 – Training for Krispy Kreame Challenge
- 32:55 – SolidFire hiring everyone
- 41:35 – Cloudcast update
- 44:30 – Cloud acquisitions
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