This article is more than 1 year old
Firefox 36 swats bugs, adds HTTP2 and gets certifiably serious
Three big bads, six medium messes and 1024-bit certs all binned in one release
Mozilla has outfoxed three critical and six high severity flaws in its latest round of patches for its flagship browser.
It stomps out memory safety bugs, exploitable use-after-free crashes, and a buffer overflow.
Of the critical crashes, bad guys could potentially craft attacks targeting MP4 video playback through a buffer overflow in the libstagefright library (CVE-2015-0829).
Another potential exploitable crash that is unlikely to be a threat in email clients where scripting was disabled centres on a use-after-free flaw for specific web content with IndexedDB (CVE-2015-0831).
The third are a bunch of memory bugs (CVE-2015-0836) (CVE-2015-0835) Mozilla and its fans found in the engine behind the company's products including Firefox browser that dedicated attackers could probably exploit, given enough coffee.
High severity vulnerabilities include the ability to using autocomplete pluck user information from readable files stored in known local paths; an opprtunity for bad guys to get Firefox to execute their malware through its update facility, and the ability for scripts to access browser memory through the creation of dodgy MP3s.
Six moderate and two low -severity bugs are detailed in Mozilla's advisory.
The new version of the browser also adds HTTP2 support ®