This article is more than 1 year old

Another day, another load of benchmarketing, this time from HDS

Enough of this meaningless tosh

Storagebod I had hoped we’d moved beyond the SPC-1 benchmarketing but it appears not. If you read HDS veep Hu Yoshida’s blog, apparently the VSP G1000 is "the clear leader in storage performance against the leading all flash storage arrays."

Yet when you look at the list of AFAs Hu uses for that comparison, there are so many missing that it is hardly worth bothering with.

No Pure, no Solidfire, no Violin and obviously no EMC (“obviously” because they don’t play the SPC game).

Now, I haven’t spoken to the absentees to find out whether they intend to go with with the SPC benchmarketing exercise. I suspect most don’t intend to at the moment as they are too busy trying to improve and iterate their products.

So what we end up with is a pretty meaningless list.

Is it useful to know when your array’s performance falls of a cliff? Yes, it probably is – but you might be better trying to get your vendor to sign up to some performance guarantees as opposed to relying on a benchmark that currently appears to have little value.

I wish we could move away from benchmarketing, magic quadrants and the “woo” that surrounds the storage market. I suspect we won’t any time soon, though. ®

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