This article is more than 1 year old
Google and Max Mosley settle thrash'n'tickle sex vid spat
Search engine not wiped clean, however
Google has struck a private settlement deal with Max Mosley over images that show the ex-Formula One chief engaging in a sadomasochistic sex pantomime.
However, videos and photos of the thrash'n'tickle sex sesh were still viewable via's search engine, at time of writing.
The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday that Mosley and Google had agreed to end the lengthy legal row in Germany, France and the UK.
But terms of the deal between the two parties were kept secret. It's also unclear whether Google agreed to censor access to the material.
In 2013, Google was ordered by a French court to scrub clean links to nine images of Mosley engaging in a "five-hooker orgy".
At the time, Mountain View claimed the ruling was "troubling" and argued that it had "serious consequences for free expression".
The video and screen grabs of the sado-masochistic sex party had originated from a story ran by the now-defunct News of the World Sunday tabloid in 2008.
That same year, Mosley won £60,000 in damages, after successfully suing the NoTW for invading his privacy.
But the images have bounced around online ever since. ®
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