This article is more than 1 year old
Huawei humps up its DS8000 heavyweight array range
Doubles performance, nearly quadruples capacity
Chinese IT conglomerate Huawei has added a third generation to its VMAX/DS8000-class 18000 series arrays.
The V2 18000 arrays topped the SPC-1 lists for hybrid arrays, delivering more than a million SPC-1 IOPS. They have from 2 to 16 controllers, up to 99.9999 per cent availability, and range up to 7PB of capacity.
Huawei says its new systems have the same number of controllers and availability but feature:
- A twofold computing performance increase delivering up to three million IOPS
- Maximum capacity boosted almost fourfold, from 7PB to 27.6PB
- 95 per cent boost in disk reconstruction speed
- Sub-millisecond data access latency
- Flash memory tech usage
- Automated storage media identification
- Configuration optimisation algorithms
- Gateway-free active-active DR
Huawei’s v2 18000 array to give a rough idea of what new boxes look like
Huawei has risen the Intel CPU and disk/SSD capacity curves to uprate these arrays.
Wre think it's likely that were main sales will be in China and the Asia-Pacitic region.
Details were sparse when they were unveiled at its Huawei Cloud Congress Europe 2015, held June 10-11 in Munich, Germany. No doubt fuller details will appear on Huawei’s main storage web pages; they are not there yet, as the V2 system information is still extant. ®