This article is more than 1 year old
Project Morpheus VR headset hands-on at the Sony Summer Showcase
Plus The Reg strikes back! Gaming on Star Wars: Battlefront
May the force be with you
So, quickly handing my sick bag to the nearest Sony PR bod, it was time to embrace the daylight, step back into real life and move on to less challenging fare. This was in the form of Tearaway Unfolded, which is made by the geniuses behind LittleBigPlanet, Media Molecule. My heart is quickly stolen all over again as I straddle origami stags and hop-skip-jump around this charming pop-up book landscape.

Charming and a little magical too: Tearaway Unfolded
Playing as Atoi, a small cut-out paper girl, I’m on a mission to deliver a message and come across all kinds of puzzles and nasty scraps on my travels. One of my puzzles was to draw a snowflake on my controller touch pad. The game copies my rather shonky design and, lo and behold, it’s snowing Lucy flakes! Just like LBP this game has universal appeal and makes creative use of the dual shock inputs and sensors in an innovative and artistic way.
Until Dawn also features stags but they are of a much more aggressive disposition. Billed as an adventure survival horror, the PlayStation exclusive from developers Supermassive Games features a butterfly effect interface that makes each choice I make significant to the narrative and sets in motion unforeseen consequences.

A touch of evil: Until Dawn
Set on a secluded mountaintop, several friends must try to make the right choices to stay alive. Let’s just say this didn’t work out so well for me, as my ten minutes ended in a particularly gruesome death in a mining tunnel.
Last but not least, I need to impress upon you the awesomeness of Star Wars: Battlefront. God bless EA are not words that I write lightly, but boy, was my time battling waves of Stormtroopers to secure pods of upgrades and goodies full of win.

Star Wars: Battlefront – split screen gaming and missions galore
Maybe I’m jumping the gaming gun here but, at first glance, this is everything I have ever wanted in a Star Wars game. Seamless first-to-third person gameplay, an abundance of customisable weapons and gear, and even split-screen multiplayer. All had me wish my days away until the November release date.
So what if I can’t explore space? I’ll trade that Eve online shizzle for a foot battle on Hoth trying to avoid being crushed by AT-ATs any day of the week. An impressive roster of playable characters, including Darth Vader and Han Solo, makes sure the nostalgia is strong with this one.

Scout Transport attacks await...
I don’t know whether to curse or thank Sony Summer showcase for making the next few months of my life full of too much want. ®