This article is more than 1 year old
Doctor Who returns to our screens next week – so, WHO is the worst Time Lord of them all?
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Poll Perhaps 13 is unlucky for some. That is, if you decide that the current Time Lord played by Peter Capaldi – the man who became a household name as shouty, potty-mouthed Malcolm Tucker – is the worst Doctor of all time.
And anyway, should one describe the bovver-booted Scot as number 13? After all, John Hurt was known as the War Doctor, rather than being dubbed the twelfth incarnation of the Time Lord.
But perhaps that particular discussion deserves a separate poll, especially as it turns out that Matt Smith may in fact be the thirteenth Doctor. Confused? Read this.
Sticking to the theme, then, we want you to decide which luvvie spectacularly cocked up the mothership of all Sci-Fi tellybox dramas.
Did fish fingers and custard and floppy hair really get your goat?
Was Colin Baker, dressed in his multi-coloured dreamcoat, simply taking a wrong turn on his way to a rehearsal for an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical – falling instead into some weird space-time continuum from which no audience member could escape?
Or maybe, just maybe, it was William Hartnell who ruined it for everyone with his curmudgeonly adventures on the TARDIS.
Onwards to Vulture Weekend's poll, then. Cast your vote now. Time and space depends on it!
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Readers will no doubt be delighted to hear that El Reg will once again be reviewing the new series of Doctor Who immediately after it airs here in the UK. Season 9 kicks off on Saturday 19 September.