This article is more than 1 year old

Chipzilla has its knockers … and now they’re cool in this venting sports bra

Don’t be a boob, admit tits good

Chipzilla’s latest move into wearable tech embraces fashion, with a partnership that sees the company jumping into bed with sportswear brand Chromat.

The companies have produced a sports bra which opens vents when it senses a certain level of heat and sweat.

Chromat said its designs are based on “Becca McCharen’s theoretical background in architecture and urban design,” and that the company “focuses on structural experiments for the human body".

A bra which breathes moer easily

It added that “her continued interest in scaffolding, city maps, wearable exoskeletons and the intricacies of undergarments have been explored as each new collection develops". Good to know.

The bra uses the same Curie sensor as Intel used at IDF to demonstrate its Dancing Spiders.

Chipzilla has not said which processor is in the bra. Chromat incorporated it as part of the Spring/Summer 2015 “Momentum” collection which is “is inspired by the idea that clothing, like architecture, should respond and adapt to the wearer".

The World's first Digital Mirror from MemoMi Labs Inc on Vimeo.

Meanwhile, Intel is also showing off The MemoryMirror at New York Fashion Week, a full length screen and camera which records the person standing in front of it and plays back the video showing what a garment might look like in different colours, and from behind.

It uses a Intel RealSense, Iris Graphics and Intel Core i7 processors to answer the age old question of “does my bum look big in this”. ®

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