This article is more than 1 year old
iOS's infected app-list continues to grow, says Lookout
How to exorcise the XcodeGhost haunting your iThing
Security outfit Lookout is watching iThing users' backs, with a rolling list of apps affected by the XCodeGhost bug.
Cupertino continues cleaning-up the iOS App Store after its first big malware attack. This comes after hackers slipped their nasty software into a number of apps by modifying the Xcode development tools used by app makers.
Fixing the iOS App Store should stop fresh malware downloads, but that does’t help the infected iThings out in the wild, since the malware could already be on hundreds of millions of devices and causing havoc.
Enter Lookout, which sells security apps for mobes, which is listing infected apps along with advice on what to do if you may be affected.
Lookout recommends updating affected apps, if that’s not possible delete them until fresh, clean versions come along. It also suggests changing your Apple ID password and being wary of any emails or push notifications asking for personal details.
XcodeGhost removes personal information from your iThing. It looks to capture data like the device name, country and unique identifiers. Some security researchers say it may be able to push dialogue boxes onto the device screen and, potentially, use this approach to steal your username and password opening a whole Pandora’s box of woe. ®