This article is more than 1 year old

Global productivity explodes as Facebook's service takes a dive

Graph API fingered for outage

As US West Coast workers sat down at their desks for the day's work, the most popular form of slacking off was unavailable as Facebook went offline for a bit.

Facebook corporate hasn't responded to requests for comment on the issue, but the company's developer page notes that the Facebook Graph API is temporarily unavailable.

"We're working with our core infrastructure teams to identify the issue and will update you when we have more information," the site said.

This was confirmed by a Facebook IP engineer, who said "we are aware and actively working on the issue."

Facebook outage map

Downdetector data shows EU and US hit hardest

Reports of the outage on other forms of social media are widespread and ongoing, although here at Vulture West's offices in San Francisco the outage appears to be over. If so, this looks very like the outages in January and last September that briefly took the service offline.

Facebook runs all of its own infrastructure, so wasn't affected by the weekend's outage from Amazon Web Services. There, a cascade of cock-ups took down Netflix, Airbnb, and IMDb, amongst others.

We'll update as more news comes in, but in the interim keep calm, consider actually talking to your neighbors instead of messaging them, and don't waste the police's time complaining about it. ®

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