This article is more than 1 year old
Veeam's virtual virtuosity gets more customers by the balls
Ratmir thinks legacy backup sucks, yah-boo!
One of these days Veeam is going to stop growing. Sadly, for its competitors that day appears not to be today.
For its latest quarter Ratmir Timashev's company saw revenues grow 17 per cent compared to this time last year. Within that there was 49 per cent revenue growth for all editions of Veeam Availability Suite, with 86 per cent growth specifically for Veeam Availability Suite Enterprise Plus edition.
Any Veeam product manager whose products don't have double-digit growth probably gets a black look from the CEO. He chortles about customers realising they need "a holistic availability approach for their entire enterprise and not just a pieced together, ad-hoc design using legacy systems.” You tell 'em Ratmir; legacy backup yah-boo!
Veeam added 11,300 customers in the quarter, taking its total past 168,000, and its employee count has reached 1,950 people. It has 34,500 ProPartners world-wide and thinks its products protect nearly 10 million virtual machines.
Seriously, well, semi-seriously, Veeam's HR department better have counselling plans in place for when the breakneck growth stops and Veeam staff have crises of confidence at their abject failure.
In the meantime Andy Vandeveld has been appointed VP for Global Alliances to oversee Veeam’s strategic relationships with its alliance partner ecosystem and carve out new business opportunities. He comes from Citrix and Brocade.
Veeam has also announced Veeam Backup for Linux; a free standalone agent that delivers backup and recovery for Linux servers running in the public cloud, and on-premise; the few remaining physical Linux servers running on premises as it says. Customers can use existing Veeam backup repositories as target locations and leverage existing Veeam Backup & Replication capabilities for recovery.
A closed beta version of Veeam Backup for Linux will be available in the first half of 2016 on a first come, first served basis. To be one of the first to get access to the beta code, please sign up here:
Pricing for the coming Veeam Availability Suite v9 starts at US$1,100 per socket; pricing for Veeam Availability Suite Enterprise Plus starts at £1,772 per socket. Buy any edition of Veeam Availability Suite now through December 31, 2015 and save up to 10 percent as well as upgrade to v9 at no charge when it's available. ®