This article is more than 1 year old

GCHQ goes all Cool Dad and tags the streets of Shoreditch with job ads

IBM tried something similar in 2001, and copped a fine

Spotted in Shoreditch, London's Hipster Central as well as the beating heart of Tech City, witness the labours of a GCHQ advertising team hoping to go viral. It's working, as you can see.

Shoe-leather advertising

Let's hope the tagging team avoids the mistake that IBM made in 2001 when it stencilled the streets of San Francisco with penguins, peace signs and assorted graffiti touting the joys of some flavour of Linux for servers.

Yes, the company used biodegradable chalk, but it broke the law and the city of San Francisco got mad. Fine? $100,000.

On the other hand, if GCHQ is flouting ordinances in Shoreditch, how would we ever find out? ®


Hat tip to James Cook for the pic. James is technology editor of Business Insider Europe, which means he is sure to enjoy this republication.

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