This article is more than 1 year old
Microsoft makes Raspberry Pi its preferred IoT dev board
Intel's Galileo scratched off Windows 10 'thing' list
A little over a year after Intel's Galileo development board got its first taste of Microsoft Windows, Redmond has decided to pull the project.
Chipzilla's Raspberry Pi-like Galileo was anointed as able-to-run-Windows in August 2014, courtesy of the 1.0.2 firmware update for the Gen1 device. In the same month Intel launched the Gen2 board (which got its stripped-down Windows 8 version in October 2014).
Microsoft was also handing out Galileo devices free to developers joining its Internet of Things program.
Alas, there's no weight-loss program good enough to fit Windows 10 IoT Core into the Galileo, so Redmond has set November 30 as end-of-life for the development boards.
Raspberry Pi is the officially designated migration target: "Wiring support is now available on Windows 10 IoT Core running on Raspberry Pi 2. This allows you to migrate your existing Galileo projects to Windows 10 IoT Core", the company notes.
Developers can console themselves that they won't have to suffer the boredom of an installation process that could take up to two hours. ®