This article is more than 1 year old
Fifth arrest in TalkTalk hacking probe: Now Plod cuff chap in Wales
A ydynt yn hyd yn oed yn cael y rhyngrwyd yng Nghymru?
Cops probing the TalkTalk mega-hack arrested a teen in south Wales on Tuesday.
The 18-year-old is the fifth suspect to be cuffed in connection with the computer security breach at the UK ISP.
Detectives from the Metropolitan Police Service's Cyber Crime Unit and officers from Southern Wales Regional Organised Crime Unit, armed with a warrant, detained the young bloke while searching a home in the town of Llanelli.
The lad was held on suspicion of blackmail, and was taken to Dyfed Powys police station where he was quizzed by investigators.
At the end of October, TalkTalk admitted it was hacked, and that sensitive information on thousands of subscribers was swiped from its databases.
Since then, there have been a string of arrests: on Monday, 26 October, a 15-year-old boy from County Antrim, Northern Ireland, was cuffed. On Thursday, 29 October, a 16-year-old boy was arrested in Feltham, west London. On Saturday, 31 October, detectives booked a 20-year-old man in Staffordshire, and on Tuesday, 3 November, a 16-year-old boy was collared in Norwich.
All four were held on suspicion of Computer Misuse Act offenses, and all four have been bailed while the investigation continues. ®