This article is more than 1 year old
Microsoft halts downloads of new PowerShell power-up
WMF 5.0 has 'bug which resets the PowerShell module environment during installation'
The revolution has been postponed: the long-awaited update to PowerShell that yesterday we reported as having launched, has now been pulled by Microsoft.
Redmond says its reversal is due to “a bug which resets the PowerShell module environment during installation” that “can have a serious impact on our customers” because it “resets the PSModulePath environment variable to default values, losing any changes made prior to the WMF 5.0 RTM installation.”
Windows Management Framework (WMF) 5.0 has therefore been pulled from downloads. Microsoft is also “unpublishing Azure DSC Extension Handler versions 2.11 and 2.12 as they automatically install WMF 5.0 RTM.”
It's Christmas Eve and the subs won't mind. Microsoft's clearly didn't.
There's doubtless egg on faces at Microsoft over this mistake, and not because beardies had have been sipping seasonally rum-infused beverages. The company realises it's been naughty and promises a nice new version of all WMF-related code “ as soon as the issue can be isolated, corrected, and validated.” The smart money's on that not being in 2015, what with imminent events. ®