This article is more than 1 year old

Spanish cops discover illegally parked flying car

Rooftop hot hatch

Cops on the island of Gran Canaria have sensationally discovered evidence of super-advanced hot hatch technology in the form of a flying Daewoo Matiz.

Las Palmas police were called in to investigate the illegally parked vehicle on Monday, and reported: "This is what they call 'high-class parking'."

A fireman scales a ladder to the car parked on a first-floor rooftop

They added that they'd assessed the building supporting the Daewoo as in "danger of collapse". Accordingly, the owner has been ordered to return the car to terra firma.

Whether this operation will be carried out using the crane officers claim was probably used to hoist the Matiz aloft, or via classified vertical thruster tech, remains to be seen. ®

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