This article is more than 1 year old
Nutanix cracks its first $100m quarter
Revised SEC filings suggest IPO ambitions are un-dimmed, as losses mount
Nutanix has cracked US$100m in quarterly revenue for the first time.
The magic number - $102,697,000 to be precise, emerged in amended pre-float documentation it has lodged with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. The amended Form S-1 now includes the quarter to January 31st, 2016.
That quarter was a beauty: revenue was up from the October quarter's $87,756,000, margin climbed three points to 63 per cent and customer count climbed by 494 to 2,638. Cash burn rate is also down, but losses are still climbing to over $71m for the half year to January 31st.
The re-published S-1 is good news and bad. On the good side of the ledger, it shows the company is still proceeding towards its float. On the bad, the company hoped it would be public by “early 2016.” And here we are in the first full week of the fourth month, which certainly doesn't feel “early”.
At least Nutanix is not alone: no US technology company has gone public in 2016, as markets wobble and investors twitch. ®