This article is more than 1 year old
SpaceX adds Mars haulage to its price list
Book now to send 13,600kgs to the red planet in 2018 for the reasonable price of US$90m
Elon Musk's SpaceX has started offering cargo haulage to Mars.
The company's ”capabilities” page now includes an option titled “Payload to Mars” that wasn't there last time the internet archive scanned the page back in early April 2016.
For just US$62m SpaceX will send 4,020kg to Mars atop a Falcon 9. If you've rather more than that to send to the red planet, $90m buys you up to 13,600kg of cargo on a Falcon Heavy.
“Modest discounts are available, for contractually committed, multi-launch purchases,” the page says.
Take that promise, and the Falcon Heavy price, at your peril because the rocket is yet to fly in anger. Test flights are scheduled for November 2016 and March 2017.
SpaceX's schtick for the Heavy points out that it's nothing new – if you count harnessing the Merlin engines used on the well—proven Falcon 9s as not particularly novel.
The addition of Mars to SpaceX's price list reflects the Dragon 2 Mars mission scheduled for 2018 atop a Falcon Heavy. ®